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Testing the Water

Matthew Pierce

19 Jun 2023

HAHAS can now test oxygen levels in the ponds.

HAHAS is now the proud owner of an Oxyguard oxygen meter, having applied successfully to the Environment Agency (EA) who were giving some away to angling clubs. Recently Martin van Heerden from the EA met up with Bob Gibbs of HAHAS to hand over this useful bit of kit:

This device measures the amount of oxygen dissolved in the water. It consists of a probe that you lower into the water and a display screen.

Oxygen is crucial to the survival of not just fish, but also insects, crustaceans and plants. Low oxygen levels can be caused by algae blooms, pollution (e.g. sewage, which has affected ponds on the Heath in the past), low air pressure or very hot weather.

With our new oxygen meter, we may be able to spot problems early enough to take action to prevent harm to fish or wildlife – e.g. by switching on water aerators or reporting pollution to the Environment Agency.

We hope in future to get a better idea of how oxygen levels in the various ponds are affected by different conditions. We may then be able to predict problems, rather than just reacting to them.

HAHAS remains committed to protecting wildlife and fish on Hampstead Heath. We promote good angling practices such as using barbless hooks, handling fish carefully and clearing up litter. We are currently working with City of London Corporation to re-instate landing net dips, which help prevent the spread of invasive species. HAHAS would like to thank the EA for this important new string to our bow.

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